Just The Happiness | Teen Ink

Just The Happiness

July 13, 2015
By kjspink3 GOLD, Idyllwild,
kjspink3 GOLD, Idyllwild,
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" - Mark Twain

I miss you and how you used to just stare at my face
I miss you and how you used to squeeze me so tightly
I miss you and the way your kisses felt
I miss you and how well we fit together, like puzzle pieces
I miss you and how my heart would skip a beat every time I saw you even after seven months of loving you
I miss you and how I used to run my fingers through your short hair
I miss you and how safe you made me feel

I don't miss your unjust accusations
I don't miss feeling guilty
I don't miss feeling like I am a bad person
I don't miss finding out, at the end, it was you who was lying the whole time
I don't miss the pain I felt when you left me
I don't miss staying awake at night crying because it hurt

I don't miss our entire relationship,
Just the happiness you gave me

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