Multi-Media | Teen Ink


August 27, 2015
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

Darling, why, don't you know?

Your face is a canvas

The mediums are of your choosing

Often you are quick to use

Oils and Tones, Powder and Paint

Tan and brown and black

Then when your mood is lively

Golds and Rouges and Blues

But your heart, darling, forgets

That the paint that glimmers

In the inkiest of times

It is a subtle plaster

That is most pleasing to the eye

Yet it doesn't lie in the tone of Pores

Whether they are marred by Scars

or made unfair by Sun Splotches

Whether it's tinted sick with palor

Or pulls upon the light

with the darkest of ebony

These Trifles are but water

To the intense acrylics

Of a Kindness in the eyes

Or runny Watercolors of Fogiveness

There is no substitute for the

Vibrancy of Good Cheer

Nor the opaque value to generosity

There is no other Brightness

That can compare to that of Love

And the Oils of Empathy

Are often thought a masterpiece

So when you rise in the morn

To dawn a Pretty Face

Do not forget that the nature

Of your expression

Can make the most beautiful Multi-Media

Should you choose those Colors

For the Detail on your Canvas

The author's comments:

My insporation for this piece was the societal pressure to conform to the newest concept of what beauty is. Often we forget that the prettiest things we can put on our faces are so beautiful that they cannot be limited to or defined by a color and that our make-up palattes and skin care is not what is important.

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