My Dear Sister | Teen Ink

My Dear Sister

September 6, 2015
By ghxstprince BRONZE, Nowhere, Pennsylvania
ghxstprince BRONZE, Nowhere, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My dear sister,
So dear to me,
Without you I wither,
And I’m incomplete.


We are roses,
Adorning thorns,
Imperfect as we know,
We move on without feeling forlorn.


So even if I’m no longer by your side,
Our bond has not died,
For one day will occur,
And realize time was just a blur.

The author's comments:

Written for an amazing best friend, whom I call my sister. She means a lot to me and I love her a lot. This is a very personal piece. We haven't seen each other in the longest time but always keep in touch. We have our good and bad times. We stick with one another through thick and thin. She will always be a sister to me. She will always be my sister.

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