Farewell | Teen Ink


September 27, 2015
By MarinaBrubacher BRONZE, Tillsonburg, Other
MarinaBrubacher BRONZE, Tillsonburg, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I see things, that&#039;s all. Write enough stories and every shadow on the floor looks like a footprint; every line in the dirt like a secret message.&rdquo; <br /> ― Stephen King, Bag of Bones

What a mind we share
To spare
And am I
To care?
For this mind
That we share.

Oh timeless end
Or timeless
Loosen your burdens
And mend
For this time
This timeless end.

My broken bone
Has cost
Your throne
Ignite me love
Love me alone
Love me whole
To broken bone

O’ what a mess
What an
Ugly dress
How ugly
To Repress
You and I
We’re a mess

You’re a pretty tree
Little bird
You’re now free
To shoot yourself
Like me
Little bird
And pretty tree

I did not say farewell
Do not tell
Little bird
The tree fell
And you screamed

The author's comments:

I love the idea of connecting with yourself internally, but it has a way of tearing you apart. The hardest obstacle in life to overcome is finding a way to tolerate and love yourself for who you are. You feel as if the world is ganging up on you but in reality you just don't know how to accept yourself for the life you have lead. This poem connects feelings to reality and I hope you are able to get something out of it. I wrote with high hopes and strong intentions. 

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