The Persistence | Teen Ink

The Persistence

October 4, 2015
By anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
anki1525 BRONZE, Bhilai, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You thought I was down,
You misjudged me;
You thought I was broken,
You were solely mistaken;


They thought I wouldn't win                                               They said I was really mean                                             The shadows of my past haunting                                         All I wanted was to stay honest and clean.



All I could I do was trust my instinct                                     Believe in myself and tell the world I was distinct.


A thousand doubts                                                             A thousand failures                                                           A thousand paths to throw me over                                       A thousand distractions but I was always sober.


They told me that I wasn't great,
I wouldn't make it, was their bet;
I smirked at them and opened my gate,
To embrace the love and forget the hate.


Ripped jeans, Rugged attitude
Psych but witty
Reserved but charming
Put my best smile, looked at life and asked
You thought I ever had a chance of losing ?

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