Bloodmoon's Tale | Teen Ink

Bloodmoon's Tale

October 6, 2015
By lisaxngel BRONZE, Chester, New York
lisaxngel BRONZE, Chester, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Constellations tame my hungry heart, bloodmoon

lips, and a wild pulse.

Craters on the moon, indents on my mouth.

It's Halloween.

Black holes, closing too soon, your

arms endless

travel over me.

The galaxy, wide and deep, my shadowed body -

disguises, in hiding, no one can find us.

It's Halloween.


Blackness, cold white eyes gazing down; the

sweet stark silence of the stars - the planet's last

song in your quick breath.

Sunlight laughter, sinister smiles,

It's Halloween.


Eclipse, red, redder than blood

around my heart.


without fault. Beautiful, blemished, blazing

too compelling to stop.

Candies, like sugar clouds, in your clutch.

The universe, so infinite, so - catastrophic!

It's Halloween.


You are bloodmoon lips and sun-bright rays,

a sword of constellations sheathed


beneath your skin.

You are the curl around my crescent lips,

the quake of the sky.

Red love, red lips, red hearts.


It's Halloween.

The author's comments:

Everybody loves Halloween , whether it's around the corner or already over. Just wanted to show my love for it: vampire at night, or a lover's poetry?

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