The Screen | Teen Ink

The Screen

October 20, 2015
By Planet03 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Planet03 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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I'm just a person going through life. That's what we're all doing, so why do we give each other a hard time?

Life is tough

There are people in it

And it's your choice to choose which people you want to keep.

They're like those cool rip-off toys you saw on TV when you were young

Looked so awesome, but when you finally bought it and started playing with it

You lost your excitement.

You realize the toy looked cool on a screen, but that screen changes things.

That screen changes your vision.

Unable to see the real thing.

Life is filled with actors.

Even reality TV is fake sometimes.

Find the real people.

The people doing things

Amazing things

Not for the screen

But for themselves.

Without having to look to see if people are watching

Without having the temptation to put it on camera

Without having to search for the blinking red dot

They do it in the shadows

In the dark

But there WILL be a time

When their darkness

Turns into light

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