Life Never Stops | Teen Ink

Life Never Stops

October 22, 2015
By HannahC16 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
HannahC16 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring; the birth of everything

New flowers, new children, new everything
The world is bright and new to the adolescents of life
You continue to grow and discover new things
The world doesn't slow down for the bright-eyed youths

Summer; full of the hot air juveniles
Different feelings and emotions
Rainy days come losing friends, bullies, but the sun peaks
And you feel like you're on cloud nine
To you the days are a blur

Autumn; the beginning of your life
You now see the beauty in the forest and decide to stay awhile
Even though the leaves are aging you get to see a mini you begin their life
Your family continues to amaze you
Your children never let you have a moment of silence but it's fine in the long run

Winter; your family knows you do not have much time
The nights get cold and trees and animals pass, and soon you will too
The trees no longer have their leaves and neither do you
Your family grieves of their loss as they look out on the cold winter day
Looking out on the winter day they see the dead trees, but in the distance they see a tree

That tree lives through the winter and your family is at peace now
They realize the tree represents them, the new generation
Because that tree continues to live throughout the years and as generations come and go your     family knows that life never stops

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