I Wanted To Show You | Teen Ink

I Wanted To Show You

November 1, 2015
By Louieg5 BRONZE, New City, New York
Louieg5 BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanted to show you two men
in war
One in pain
One not in pain

I wanted to show you
This captivating and painful and beautiful and unreal
moment of war
What’s going on?

I wanted you to see
His pain
and his calmness
Surrounded by grass and trees and leaves

And he is holding his hand
Because currently,
he is dying
A painful death
An unimaginable death
One you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy

I wanted you to note the emotion
and feel
his pain from a gunshot
Now, take a second
Appreciate their dedication
And amazingness

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