Forgetting | Teen Ink


November 2, 2015
By dmacdonald19 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
dmacdonald19 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For the longest time,
as far back as I could remember,
it was chit chat over cinnamon toast,
talking about what we treasured in life.
Family, friends,
the things we take for granted.
It soon turned into me,
refreshing your memories,
of things that happened,
even when you were right there.
Right by my side.
11 years of hearing, “I love you my angel”,
slowing getting flushed down the drain of time.
Day after day, remembering things got harder for you,
names, birthdays, until you could barely recognize me.
After 4 years of monthly visits,
filled of milkshake mondays and friendly nurses,
you stay strong, and in my heart,
forever by my side.
After that first time hearing, “I can not remember”,
I knew that you had changed forever.

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