Roses are red, violets are blue, it's true: | Teen Ink

Roses are red, violets are blue, it's true:

November 8, 2015
By CHIguy PLATINUM, Chicago, Illinois
CHIguy PLATINUM, Chicago, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Roses are red
violets are blue.
My heart sees color
through you,

It's hard to explain the magnitude of beauty that I see
But I can see the universe's sea, I grantee
that it would take your breath away like it did mine
Your happiness would sprout into your callow spine,
Your joy and smile will be imprinted
every time you see me like I see you,
It's true!
I have feelings of capturing stars, diamonds,
pearls, shells, and flowers for your love,
But that wouldn't possibly be enough,
I would have to hurdle storms, mountains, and seas
Just so you can believe what I see!
Dimensions and perspectives that I wish to share
with your heart and mind,
There just does not exist an art that can be described
for the blind,
You see
Roses are red
violets are blue,
If only you can see color
in my heart too.

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