Empty Promises | Teen Ink

Empty Promises

November 10, 2015
By _itsjordanmarie BRONZE, Crown City, Ohio
_itsjordanmarie BRONZE, Crown City, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You promise you love me,
and nothing could ever change that.

You must love promises,
you make them all the time.

I have heard them my entire life,
promises to prove yourself to me.

You said we would be a family,
but you left it all for her.

You swore you would never let me get hurt,
but you stood by as she caused my pain.

You told me you would always be here for me,
but where were you when I was hurting?

Broken promises
empty from the start.

It has become obvious,
you do not care.

If you do not care anymore,
then why should I?

There is no hope left,
nothing telling me to believe you this time.

I expect nothing more than another empty promise,
when you promise you love me.

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