Everything reminds me of you | Teen Ink

Everything reminds me of you

November 10, 2015
By Resop BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Resop BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

It kills me inside,
just at the thought of your name.
As it slowly creeps inside every vein,
filling my blood with your memory.
It’s caught inside me,
spinning fast like a southern tornado,
ripping my insides apart.
Just at the sound of your voice,
every look,
every picture,
every memory staining my mind.
Wishing you were all mine.
Plastering it on every cell,
reminding me of you,
every second of the day,
waking me up at night tossing to your thought.

Everything reminds me of you.
Every square inch of your restless body,
makes your absence feel deeper.
The way you swept me off my feet,
just so you could hold me in your arms.
The way you wore that cologne, I adored.
The way you held me in your gentle arms,
those nights I was scared.
The way I jump, to
the sound of your voice.

Every breath I take,
strikes a memory inside,
lighting my world one last time.
Everything reminds me of you.
And no matter what I’ve said,
I’m not over you.

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