The souls of 9/11 | Teen Ink

The souls of 9/11

November 11, 2015
By DITSauthor BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
DITSauthor BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When life gets you down, do you wanna know what you've gotta do? Just keep swimming! -Dory, Finding Nemo

The smoke rose to the sky, over the city bringing up the silent cries.
The cries of,not the living, but that of the dead as they ascended their awaited place.
Crying for their loved ones of this life who weep for them as they soar.
Their minds chaotic as their hearts found peace in what is yet to come.
They are leaving, leaving for good, never to come again.
Are they happy or are they sad? Could they possibly be mad?
There are those who had set their eyes on life's riches yet now cannot obtain it.
There are those who had begun their lives only to be cut short.
There are those who had not lived their lives to their fullest.
And then there are the parents.
Those who leave their children, big or small, orphaned against the cold cruel world.
Are they happy or are they sad? Could they possibly be mad?
The true evil done by those dark clouds was hide the smile of the dead spirits.
In their eyes achieving peace and yearning for the day their loved ones would join them up in the sky, where the cruelties of life would be below and behind them once and for all.

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