Dont open the door! | Teen Ink

Dont open the door!

November 26, 2015
By CHIguy PLATINUM, Chicago, Illinois
CHIguy PLATINUM, Chicago, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Don't open the door!
He is the embodiment of hatred and wrath!
Expressing sirens that echoes DESTRUCTION
He is not your power! He is the antihero
killing Justice and Equality,
He is darkness consuming light
and happiness,

Knock Knock!

Dont open the damn door!
He is a court jester appeasing
the audience with his jokes and stories
and movement,
He is not your respect, he is not your dignity
He kills a king's dream!

Knock Knock!

Don't open the damn door!
He is a rebel seeking a place to go,
Running away from problems
Hiding away from his home!

Knock Knock
Knock Knock!

Look at me!
I am your light, justice, and equality
Your respect, dignity, and dream
Your home
I am your salvation!
He is your lock
and I'm your key
to open the doors of possibility and opportunity!


He is your past, I am your future!
What road are you going to take?

K n o c k  k n o c k
k  n  o  c  k,  k  n  o  c  k

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