The Crow and the Dove | Teen Ink

The Crow and the Dove

November 29, 2015
By WriterGirlBlessed BRONZE, Mosinee, Wisconsin
WriterGirlBlessed BRONZE, Mosinee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting on a branch
In a cold, wet, dreary forest
I saw it all happen
I missed not a blink

How could I miss it?
This love story unfolding before me
Like the night and the day
It came and it went
But it was still beautiful

Crow, lowly and discouraged
Had fled from a place far away
The sad bird had worms
Crawling through Crow’s feathers

Scars were scattered on his face
Stars in the night sky
Crow was scrawny and weak
A lowly bird of the forest
But Crow existed nonetheless

One day Crow was leaning against the trunk
Dying of self-pity and loneliness
When like the sun appearing from the clouds
Dove appeared with grace and serentity

Dove, an angel of the light
Sweeter than the honey
The bees harvest every day
Lovely like the morning dew
But courageous of a summer day

Dove was flying through the trees
Shining like the morning
Dove’s feathers clean and luxurious
Softer than kitten fluff

Dove didn’t have to make a sound
Crow was already gone
Over the hills and past Heaven
Below the depths of the beyond
But Crow was in love

So the Crow came back to life
The love in Crow’s heart burned
And every day Crow waited
Hoping to see Crow’s beloved Dove

And every day Dove would fly by
Going to a mystery
Coming from a mystery
Crow didn’t care about Dove’s past
But for Dove’s eyes to see the true Crow

So every day Crow waited
For Dove to glance a glimpse of Crow
To see past the worms
To see the heartbeat within

It started to rain one day
Yet Crow waited and waited
And waited and waited
And waited and waited
But Dove never flew by

It was still raining the next day
And so Crow waited and waited
And waited and waited
And waited and waited

Days passed like that
Crow’s heart seemed to stop beating
The blaze in Crow’s eyes left
Taking a last piece of Crow’s will
But a dark wisp had become the Crow

Crow despaired over Crow’s lost Dove
I despaired over the lost Crow
Heartbreak was eating at Crow’s heart
Like the worms at Crow’s feathers

The sun came out one day
Lifting the gloom of the forest
The flowers bloomed
The light of God shined
But the Crow was almost gone

Until Crow saw something
White feathers on the green leaves
A coo of returning love
Dove had come home

Instantly Crow rematerialized
The worms fell from Crow’s feathers
The youth returned to his eyes
Crow came alive again
But to see Crow’s Dove flying towards Crow

Crow suddenly found the courage
To meet Crow’s lovely Dove
Wings on either side
Flapping with renewed strength

Crow flew towards Crow’s Dove
Love drawing them like a magnet
None flew faster than the Crow
Crow about to meet Crow’s Dove
But it was not to be

A shriek filled the air
As an arrow struck Crow’s breast
Dove, the last image in Crow’s mind
Falling to his death


A Hunter appeared from the dark trees
Picking up the Crow by Crow’s feet
Carried the Crow away to a nearby shed
Opening the door to despicable things
But only the Hunter would ever care to share

On a door hung many a bird
Small and tiny, big and large
Hunter hung the Crow by the feet
Next to that of a beautiful Dove
Love stained by the blood of death

I, the wise Owl of the gloomy forest
Live to tell the gruesome tale
Of the ugly Crow and the lovely Dove
Coming together under the Hunter’s hand

The author's comments:

For my sophomore English class, we each had to create a poem on whatever we wanted and however we wanted. I can't remember exactly why I chose to write about birds or even what the meaning is to me, but I have always loved poems that told a story so I decided to make mine a story. 

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