Flower | Teen Ink


December 3, 2015
By EmilyKowaleski BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
EmilyKowaleski BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Illuminated by the moonlight,
I see the outline of one flower, sparkling from the dew,
reaching high above the open field of grass.

Alone, it remains tall.
Alone, it remains strong.
Alone, it remains independent.

The cold breeze sways the green grass,
but the solitary flower sways too.
The flower mimics the actions of all the little grasslings.
Wanting to be the same,
but still standing out.

Much like people,
always following the dull crowd of everyone,
trying so hard to shrink down and fit in.

Although the flower stands tall and alone,
it stands beautiful and unique
More beautiful than all of the green stems of grass combined,
for they are all derivative.

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