Layers | Teen Ink


December 3, 2015
By EmilyKowaleski BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
EmilyKowaleski BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luscious green leaves,
and jagged ridges of brown bark.
It gleams in the sunlight,
catching everyone’s wandering eyes.

There is more to the initial beauty.
As the bark is peeled away,
all the rings and layers are exposed.
Each ring opens up another year's worth of wisdom.
Like a gold mine,
there is much more behind the rocky wall.

As people stare in awe of the trees beauty,
no one notices any of the layers underneath the intricate bark,
and the luscious green leaves.
No one sees the core of the tree.
All they can see is the appealing shell the center is fitted into.
No one sees all of the layers of the tree.
No one sees all of the wisdom learned,
as the tree grows a new ring every year.

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