The Dark Ones | Teen Ink

The Dark Ones

December 6, 2015
By Soccer_Wolf BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Soccer_Wolf BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandhi

There are those who are kind at heart
     Who would never deceive you
     And would never depart
Those who forgive and forget your sins
     No matter what happens
     Your friendship always wins
Those who will lead you down the right path
     Never badly influence
     Nor make you feel their wrath
Then there are those who are predators of the night
    Just like a blood thirsty wolf
    That attacks on sight
Those who pounce on the easiest prey
    The ones who are hopeless
    Whom the predator can mold like clay
Those whose eyes pierce right through your soul
    Then find your weaknesses
    And use them to control
Those who are mirthless and awful and wicked and mean
    Who doesn't care about you
     But will rip you at your seams
As awful as it is the dark ones are everywhere
     Wanting to tear you to pieces
     Make you feel their level of despair
The thing you must remember as you meet this threat
     Is that they weren't always like this
     Ready to hit you like a jet
Because the dark ones used to be filled with light
     But the dark consumed them
     Made them eager to bite
The darkness spreads like wildfire
     Takes over the desperate ones
     And makes them a cruel liar
You must be stronger than these temptations
      Hold on to all that is pure and right
      Like they should be being God's creations
For however strong a hold the dark ones have on you
      Never give up hope
      Because you are beautiful and true

The author's comments:

This is something I thought of because a friend was going through a rough time with bullies, and this is my deep level of thinking about cruel and even evil people.

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