I'm From | Teen Ink

I'm From

December 16, 2015
By Askams SILVER, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
Askams SILVER, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from dirt roads, and crackling fires,
from long drives, and happy lives.
I am from family dinners and fantasy grinners,
I come from raw beginners and flawed winners.
I’m from where the dusk of evening approaches and streets lights flicker alive
I come from chore deadlines and unfair bedtimes,
I’m from hair bows and scraped knees.
I come from hard workers and brave supporters.
I am from those moments of serenity,
and those of complexity.
I am from sweet tea and sweet Jesus.
From long drives, and happy lives,
I come from family roots and muddy boots.

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