Word Vomit | Teen Ink

Word Vomit

December 19, 2015
By victoriagreenlee BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
victoriagreenlee BRONZE, Hartville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want my name to spill from your mouth
As you lie against the cold bathroom floor,
Flushing away all of your doubts and insecurities
Of our undiscovered love.
To gag on the rejection that you, so forcefully,
Keep shoving down my throat,
Because you can’t grasp the concept that
I am the best person for you in your life,
At this moment.
But you,
You are not one to live in the moment.
You wonder how you can love one,
When there are 7 billion others out there,
And I wonder how you can not love the
One that makes the knees of the sunsets
Buckle because they’ve realized that I’ve
Found someone more beautiful to
Write about.
And that smile,
I would dip my hands into infinity and write
About you for the rest of my
Everlasting life,
Because my love for you is something
That will never die.
And you say you need some sleep,
Because you’re always tired,
But I’m convinced that you would sleep
Better with me by your side.
You say that you will hurt me, but I will
Willingly endure the bruises-
I will hold the spots of leopards.
And let me tell you,
It is a blessing to have you sitting on my counter
And talking.
We talk about unthinkable topics,
Well, more like you talk,
I listen,
I think,
then I provoke the questions from your spine,
And dig through your skin for reasoning
Because I want to understand why
You think in such an extraordinary matter.
I could scavenge through your body all day,
And never become bored because
Every atom in your body intrigues me.
And I would have no problem with diving into
The pool, head first, even though she never would,
But, I promise you, I would.
And even though that isn’t enough for you,
I swear I could live off it.

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