Three Selfish Girls | Teen Ink

Three Selfish Girls

January 5, 2016
By Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who judge me. I am the only one who fears them. Three selfish girls with a kind appearance but evil personality. Three who only care about themselves. Three rude girls parade down the halls. From everyone else’s perspective, they are loved, but they don’t see their ill-manners.
Their judgement is their strength. They tear you apart with just one look. They laugh and judge, not understanding how rude they are, making you feel unloved and helpless. This is how they live.
Let the others see who they truly are, they’d all disappear like water on a hot day, slowly fading away. They fall, fall, fall, as I watch. They plummet.
When I learn to ignore their hatred, when I focused on myself instead of them, then I achieve greatness. When they’re struggling to become successful.  Three who slowly disappeared. Three who decided to care about themselves. Three who became the ones judged by.

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