'45 Years’: Marriage Under the Ice | Teen Ink

'45 Years’: Marriage Under the Ice

January 6, 2016
By LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
LyricalLexi GOLD, HARTLAND, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To get to the light, we must go through the deepest darkness...

When minds are layered and connected,
love has no boundary.
A wedding anniversary for Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay
Performances of love don’t vanish within time.

Their love is wanting, vulnerable, and passionate.
In time, their love is frozen.
Looking to the stars,
down spirals Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay aging past.
45 years of romance.

Love lives in both of them,
even when frozen under ice.
They discovered love looking deep within.
Under ice, their minds froze.
Feelings of intensity and fragility,
their lifetimes lived.

The author's comments:

From the WallStreet Journal Setnal. We tooke an article and created a poem about love using only words from the article. 

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