Suicide | Teen Ink


December 27, 2015
By AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a big head and little arms" ~ Meet the Robinsons~

Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Still don’t get it?
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Say it again because you still don’t understand?
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Someone wants to die because of something you said?
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
Suicide is not a joke
How many times before it gets through your thick head?
A lot of people go through a lot of things I know
But Suicide is NOT A JOKE
That person you just told to kill themselves?
Maybe they’re actually considering it.
Maybe the thought actually went through they’re head before you even said it.
Maybe that’s all they think about every day.
Maybe that’s all they would want to think about all day because death seems easier than they’re daily routine.
What if they actually kill themselves?
So what if they actually do?
Who would care?
Defiantly not you.
Maybe YOU wouldn’t yes maybe that’s true.
But so many others care for them to.
There could be mass chaos.
But you don’t care right?
All that you want is for them to give up their fight.
Now here’s to all of those who think no one cares.
Get up get dressed and brush your hair.
Because I promise you someone does care.
Even in the midst of all of your doubt.
A world without YOU is a world I could live without.

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