Life is a Song | Teen Ink

Life is a Song

January 10, 2016
By josefkuhn BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
josefkuhn BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sticks in my hand,
Pedals by my feet,
Isolating myself from any
other possible distraction.
Music lets me feel free,
lets me feel untouchable,
lets me express wordless emotions
that I can’t express anywhere else.

At concerts we all act together in harmony,
jumping up and down together, like cars connected on a roller coaster.
As the singer exclaims, “this is all we got”,
we pour our heart and soul out into the last song.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the person in front or behind you.
Music bonds us together and makes us feel as if we know everyone like the back of our hands.
The feeling of unity is unique,
and by sharing music at a concert, there is a bond.

As I hit them,
The drums thump and come to life,
splashing deep sounds into my ears.
The chords of the guitar dance up and down the strings.
The punchy bass is as aggressive as a used car salesman.
Then the piano smoothly brings things back together,
as if a bird was fluttering its wings across the keys.

Life is a song,
I may hit some low notes but I know
that I have to wait and enjoy the high notes when they come,
maybe only once every measure of life.
Even though I sometimes bottle up my emotions in the real world
here in music,
I pour them out.
Music is a release from stress and anxiety,
and it makes us all one.

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