Beyond the Darkness | Teen Ink

Beyond the Darkness

January 14, 2016
By kcards9898 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
kcards9898 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a dark, vicious look in the eye of a villain, but what lies underneath this sad and threatening glare? Beneath the coat of evil there is pain. There is a glossy covering under the darkness, a covering of water from the tears that they were too strong to shed. Pealing back even more of the darkened layer, the white part of the eye is revealed. This white part which had been overtaken in the darkness is the innocence being overtaken by wrongdoings. With every wrongdoing they see, the purity of the whiteness is dulled. Just like the other parts of the eyes, the iris’ vibrant color, the happiness it stands for, is taken over by sadness and darkness. As we look into the dark, “heartless” eyes of a criminal we must understand the pain and sadness that coat the criminals eyes.

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