True Story | Teen Ink

True Story

January 18, 2016
By GymnastGirl BRONZE, Clarence, New York
GymnastGirl BRONZE, Clarence, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a girl telling a lonely story,
When the kinds would be in great harmony,
For the girl, in this story, would grow old happily.

There once was a girl telling a unforgettable story,
When there were assigned seats outside of school,
And the people who made the most sense were shown as fools.

There once was a girl telling a separate story,
Where the towns’ folk gave horrid glances,
And the water fountains had too many chances.

There once was a girl telling a happy story,
When the trees would sway free from horror,
And minds would have accomplished no murder.

I was once telling a true story,
When the loved ones drowned for the wrong look,
And the school kids were too far to take a hook.

That’s why the characters descends,
The shadows have lost all their friends,
And so the story ends.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment on a picture of two water fountains that were labeleb black and white, this is what it means to me.

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