Darkness | Teen Ink


January 28, 2016
By Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As seen in the eyes of another peer,
You are hurting inside.
They can see it,
You can feel it,
But you won’t let them in.
You drift off into another dimension,
It’s dark and cold.
You want out,
But you’re stuck with dark days and dark nights.

All you could remember were the dark memories,
Dark choices,
Deep dark secrets,
And the fears that haunt you most.

As you entered the dark dimension,
The love of your life.
Your loving family,
And your closest friends,
Were beginning to feel as if they were all helpless.

Just as the darkness rises,
You slowly begin to fade,
Piece by piece,
Your skin turns pale white,
Your body is ice-cold,
And when you lift your head, your eyes are very red.
You’re beginning to feel horrible about yourself,
Wondering who you are,
As if you’ve taken the identity of another person.

As you’re changing your beginning to wonder,
“Is it all worth it?”
“Should I keep it locked up inside,
Where I know it’s safe?”

All these questions, are pressuring you,
You’re praying for a miracle,
To your luck,
Some kind comes down upon you.

Ahead you, a blade awaits,
Ready to tear you apart,
Outside- in.

As you near, closer and closer,
You’re racing to making a decision to end it all,
Or go back to a world with invisible stamped on you.
You raise your hands,
With the blade entwined inside of them,
You count to three,
Praying for god to help you.
Suddenly, your hands drop, as well as…
You awaken glad to not know the outcome.

Your parents burst through the door,
Your mother comforts you.
Minutes later, you are asleep,
Dreaming of something much greater than darkness.

You’re dreaming of a brighter,
Sunnier place.

You’re in a meadow.
With daisies,
And a hundred other types of flowers.
Not having a care in the world.
Except yourself.

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