Where Im From | Teen Ink

Where Im From

February 3, 2016
By mattpopo BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
mattpopo BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from one of three
The middle child, the favorite
I was born on the 17th of February
From a city called Winter Springs
Where the Spanish moss hangs from trees
It’s hot all year long
It rains daily, but it comes and goes quickly
I always had a cold pool to hop into when it got to hot
The trees always stayed the same color all year long
Then my family moved up north, to VA
There are very distinct seasons throughout the year
Leaves change all different shades of color
There’s no more pool to hop into
We brought with us one dog, a daschund
Her name is Emma
In the winter time, we now light a fire to warm up the house
The first year we moved, I saw fire fly’s for the first time
They were bright yellow one second and gone the next
I got a dog last year, found him on the street, his name is Gator
The end

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