The Past | Teen Ink

The Past

February 26, 2016
By PaigeTurner BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
PaigeTurner BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look behind my shoulder
Everywhere I go
It could be there

The looks are colder
Do they know?
That I couldn’t bear

God says I am pure
People don’t let go
I’m getting scared

Will I be forever
Hiding in shadow
Want to disappear?

Running is harder
When the source of sorrow
Is my own fear

But God is a healer
Now people know
Rumors are fierce

I am the victor
Tell Satan no
My sins are clear

The author's comments:

People forgive a lot slower than God does. My aim for this was to describe the struggle I went through to realize that my past mistakes did not define my future, even when those around me would not let it go and would continue to speak badly of me. Maybe through this, I can give hope and inspiration to those going through the same thing.

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