Da Turdy Point Buck | Teen Ink

Da Turdy Point Buck

March 2, 2016
By DerickR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
DerickR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Its opening day for deer season
Anxiously sitting in my stand trying not to move
Nor make a sound all I can do is wait

My eyes glued on the sights like an eagle on a mouse
My call sounds like his perfect mate
I see a brown body walk out of the woods
His huge rack looked like two trees coming out of his head
His body was the size of a car
I have found... Da turdy point buck

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him
It was almost like he had hypnotised me
I was finally able to shoulder my gun
I knew it was my only shot
I was nervous as a cat

Then like a cannon “BOOM!”
All the smoke made it look like fog
After it cleared there was no buck in sight
I walk back to the cabin sad and let down
I have missed Da turdy point buck

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