Something | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By Michigander BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Michigander BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There she was.
I barley noticed her.
So thin you could count
every rib.
A naked spot on her neck
exposed the stiches imbeded
within her.
Her mussel was graying,
to my surprise.
Showing age beyond
the price tag.

Never lifting her head,
she expected it.
Nice people walked in,
they noticed the cute ones
then left
with man’s best friend
or a child begging for one.

She was tired, troubled, and
timed out.
She didn’t want to raise
her head
because she couldn’t bare seeing
I called her over.
Her walk resembled that
of a broken down truck.
Sputtering helpless cries
without a sound.

There was nothing-

except something.
Something hopeful.
She had a past, I could tell.
But she knew she had
a future.

Her eyes yearned
for admiration.
Not knowing
I yearned
to love.

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