Clouds Burned Away | Teen Ink

Clouds Burned Away

March 2, 2016
By Olive_r BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
Olive_r BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just as the sunset peeks its waning rays

Barely over the darkening horizon,

A slivered halo glows above

The shadow of your arm that holds me.


And just as a rock leaves a perfect print

In the earth on which it settles,

The indent that sits between your collarbones

Exists solely for my thumbs to press


And just as a tree has roots that branch

Into the arteries of the earth,

Your fingers spread across my arm

And move the blood within me


So just as a day that is filled with clouds

Can have a sunset so astonishing,

You and I will have our doubts

Yet burn on through unbinded.

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