Nothing Makes Sense | Teen Ink

Nothing Makes Sense

March 8, 2016
By 16saulnierh BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
16saulnierh BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m confused and distraught
Everything has become a blurred vision.
I can’t remember where I’m going,
or why I am doing this,
Nothing makes sense.

Who are these people feeding me,
bathing me, dressing me.
Who are these people hugging me and
kissing me?
They tell me they love me,
but I have no idea who they are.
Nothing makes sense.

What is happening to me
I don’t deserve this,
nobody does.
I feel lost and alone.
Nothing makes sense.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my grandfather who passed away 4 years ago from Alzheimer's . I helped my mother take care of him for 7 years so he was extremely close to me. 

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