Our House | Teen Ink

Our House

March 3, 2016
By eknopf BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
eknopf BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                 You and me we built the house
     We lay down the foundation and screwed in our sides
      It took us hours just to put the first few bricks down
      Between brown and red brick it was hard to choose
             It took days for there to be a single wall
           We wondered how big each room should be

                 Together, we put up the siding

             But it took a long time to get it to stick
             We made the stairs colorful and bright
                The floorboards shiny and smooth
                    We just recently added a door
                           You painted it red
                          I put in the windows
                   You constructed the chimney
                          I painted the insides
                         You put down the floor
                           I finished the roof
                   The house looked complete
               But we walked away and didn’t see
                    We left out a support beam
                      And here we are today,
           looking at a pile of us that used to be whole

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