The Seasons Change | Teen Ink

The Seasons Change

March 4, 2016
By jeremyso BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
jeremyso BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wilting in the fall you find yourself in the darkness
You try to deny the fact, but you know inside the depression of winter will come
You stay sad for the days to come,
and try to gut the frustration and anger you know is to come
You ask yourself could i have helped? what could i have done to change
What could I have done to make it last longer?
The long winter months are the ones that hit you the hardest
They’re the one that make you feel dead on the inside
the ones that make you ache as you cry not knowing what to do
Next is spring, the beginning of new life
Everything is growing, and the animals come back
Everything except for them, You know that no matter how hard you try
you just have to realize that everything happens for a reason

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