Be Your (Beautiful) Self | Teen Ink

Be Your (Beautiful) Self

March 5, 2016
By Sara3445 GOLD, South Hadley, Massachusetts
Sara3445 GOLD, South Hadley, Massachusetts
14 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Keep your head up-
Don't you dare look down,
Keep your head up-
Don't you dare frown.
I don't care what you hear
I don't care what you see
Hey! Look up here!
Keep your eyes on me.
That girl in your math class-
She ain't worth a damn dime.
That boy who acted like an ass-
He's a COMPLETE waste of time.
Your flaws are 100% cotton-
Put in the dryer to shrink.
Do yourself a favor,
Stop listening to what people think!
Take steps within your ability,
Block out negativity,
Avoid conflict with insecurity,
Hold tight to your purity,
And don't ever-
Turn to self hostility.
Don't be scared to look in the mirror,
It's nothing but a sheet of glass.
Avoid the reflection to see yourself clearer-
Your intelligence, wit, and class.
Conformity is suicidal-
On a planet of zombies and clones,
Where escaping the mind is vital,
Your individuality seems the world owns.
But that's not true,
You're as unique as every shade of blue,
Don't be told what to do-
Or who to be.
Listen to me!
Don't be modest or hesitate.
I want you to understand,
In a world full of criticism and hate-
Your wish is their command.
Take life by the horns-
And hold on tight.
It's quite the ride,
But you'll be alright.
You were put on this planet for a reason,
Even if you can't see it right now.
Things will get better with changing seasons,
Believe me the rain will show you how.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 19 2016 at 5:04 pm
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

I like this. I like this very much. I love it. I enjoyed it very much. your writing is beautiful, you are a beautiful and talented writer. I think this poem was very much needed, and I hope that more people will read your poem and enjoy it and understand it as well as help them because your poem has helped me, reminding me of things that I need to remember. Thank you for sharing this. :)