How would I know? | Teen Ink

How would I know?

March 14, 2016
By AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
24 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

I know I'm just a young girl,So how could I possibly know what love is?But I look at you and I smile and I want to be with you constantly.And don't tell me it's a naive little crush. Because If it was and it ended I would be hurt but not crushed.And don't tell me I'm to young, because a baby is born to know only love,So what's changed in 16 years.16 years old and I know many things.I know how to find the area of a triangle and I know the Hester wore the scarlet letter on her chest because she committed adultery. Oh lord. But how could I possibly know love.Ive seen love fail with my aunt and uncle and I've seen love conquer all with my parents and I've seen love in movies and to shows and the words love have been shoved into my head in all my favorite songs.but how could I know love.And John Green told me "love is just a shout into the void" but people criticize his words.People tell me I'm insane for feeling so much love for people I will probably never meet and people who will never no my face.But they don't know what I've faced. I am just a young how could I know what love is?So maybe I don't know.But I do know that, when you look at me with those eyes and we laugh together and when I see you I just think "he's my bestfriend" and "I want him to be in my life forever" and i feel like there's nobody else as perfect to love than your bestfriend. But I am just a young girl,16 years old.What could I possibly know about love.

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