Retrospect | Teen Ink


March 10, 2016
By C-heezy BRONZE, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
C-heezy BRONZE, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To argue with a fool only proves there are two

Looking back it is funny to me now
I was awestruck on that stage thinking, “how”?
The third grade spelling bee I was in
Last two on that stage were me and my best-friend
A Herculean battle that had lasted all day
Just one correct word and I would be on my way
“Butterfly” was the final word I had to complete
I’d be the star whom everyone wanted to meet
Beginning to spell, I had not a clue
Whether “Butterfly” had one ‘t’ or two
Finishing the word I knew I was wrong
That tiny bell sounded like a gong
My heart plunged like Dante’s into the abyss
How could this word be the word I miss?
The contest  was over, my best-friend crowned
Unable to remain stoic, I began to frown
Breath escaped my lungs and the air became dry
Leaving the elementary school gym I began to cry
As I said before it is funny to me now
But at that moment in time, the whole world was coming down

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