Men Pushed To Work Harder Than Man Has Worked Before | Teen Ink

Men Pushed To Work Harder Than Man Has Worked Before

March 18, 2016
By TylerM. BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TylerM. BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Men pushed to work harder
Than man has worked before

“Pull, Pull, Pull”
Yelled as block by block are pulled to the top.
Men building bigger then man has built before.
Men pushed to work harder than man has worked before.
Working together to get each block to it’s spot.
Men pull each block to the top, each man getting weaker then the last.
Men pushed to work harder than man has worked before.
Time takes longer, men move slower, struggling, sliding, ropes fraeing.
Blocks tumbling down, crushing anything in its way. people, equipment, and other blocks.
Men rush to retrieve the fallen block fearing of punishment or death.
Men pushed to work harder than man has worked before.
“Men work together, side by side, line by line to building one of greatest architectural wonders by hand.

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