For my Mother | Teen Ink

For my Mother

April 18, 2016
By AllyDuncan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
AllyDuncan BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A mother is like a lighthouse…. She helps guide your way
A mother is like the sunshine…. She keeps away the rain
A mother is like a guard dog…. She will always keep you safe
A mother can be a cheerleader…. Always encouraging you to move forward
A mother can be a teacher…. Making sure you’re prepared to take on the world
A mother can be a voice…. Speaking up for you when you can’t find the words
A mother can be a gift…. One you might not realize right away
A mother can be your best friend…. Always there for you when you need her
A mother can be difficult…. Telling you things you might not always want to hear
A mother is like a nurse…. Always taking care of you
A mother is a giver….
A giver of life and love, hard work and tears, laughter and fun, compassion and honesty
My mother is all of these things, and so much more
There’s not a thing about her I would change
I love you mom
A mother is like a rose…. Beautiful in every way

The author's comments:

I wrote this for mothers day

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