What Used To Be | Teen Ink

What Used To Be

April 28, 2016
By WrittenPoetry BRONZE, Banning, California
WrittenPoetry BRONZE, Banning, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You walk by.
The sound of your footsteps fill the silence between us.
I lift my head just to see you walk farther away.
Don't you remember the past,
the youthful memories we shared?
When we lived life simpler without any cares.
Not even a smile or a wave,
I just stand there watching you slip away.
It's like life back then doesn't matter to you anymore.
You just look in my eyes and don't feel anything.
Have we really changed this much, drifted so far apart.
Things always seem to change.
I didn't think you would too.
Even after all the we've been through.
I try to talk to you,
but i'm at a loss for words knowing you don't care.
Even though you don't feel the same,
I wish you wouldn't have changed.
We have different friends, different lives,
and we never actually had the chance
to say goodbye.
No matter how many times you walk by in silence,
I will always remember our friendship.

The author's comments:

Keep good friends close.

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