Day and Night | Teen Ink

Day and Night

May 10, 2016
By Merrissa BRONZE, Marshfield, Wisconsin
Merrissa BRONZE, Marshfield, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Even when you fall, you get back up and try until you succeed."

    As light turns into dark we know it can only mean one thing,

       It is time for night to fall, and stars to arise in the sky.

     The stars are beautiful, and glisten as they reflect on the beautiful moon,

    Stars may just seem like lights in the sky, but they are more than that,

  They are beaufitul shining balls of light, that light up the night sky.

As I lie on my back and stare at the beautiful balls of light we call stars,

         I think to myself, what a beautiful world we live in.

  I know that the stars will leave soon, as with the beautiful balls of light,

  But I look forward to seeing the beautiful sunrise that will soon arise.

 It is so beautiful with the many different colors.

It makes me feel better about the stars leaving, and the night turning into day,

With brand new challenges, and new beauties just waiting to be discovered.

I can't wait to see you tomorrow, but for now I will enjoy the beautiful sunrise,

Please stars, come back out tomorrow, and please sunrise come back tomorrow.

You are beautiful, and I love your beauty.

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