Final Shot | Teen Ink

Final Shot

May 6, 2016
By Louieg5 BRONZE, New City, New York
Louieg5 BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coach calls my number
I’m ready to play
I get off the bench
And I shout “Hooray!”
I take a knee
By the scorer’s table
I think that I’m ready
I’m mentally stable
The ref blows the whistle
So I check in
It’s the final seconds
And we need to win
We’re down by 2
The game’s on the line
Give the ball to me
And everything will be fine
We inbound the ball
10 seconds on the clock
The other team
Thinks they have it locked
Jake brings it up
Sees me open for three
So the other team
Screams like a psychotic banshee
Clock ticking down
3 2 1
Ball is in the air
Still don’t know who won
The ball hits the rim
Heart is racing fast
It swishes through the net
The ref blows the whistle
We won the game
Greatest Ever
My new first and last name

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