Parents Letter on Walking Away | Teen Ink

Parents Letter on Walking Away

May 15, 2016
By orangebear BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
orangebear BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am walking awayfrom you all now.

I am going into the future, to new places,

I am seeing new things, seeing a new light now.

I am walking away from you all now.

I can have all the advice in thew orld.

I can listen from the scripture that is said to launche me from peril,

but all the advice I get from the outside word

will not help me in my world. 

i am walking awy from you all now.

I know i have all the things to listenr from,

to insprie my hands into work.

but for my mental peace, i need to find some calm,

or is it actually reassurance. 

The author's comments:

I am graduating from 8th grade and leaving the school I have been at for 9 years.

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