Letters From An Antiseptic Momrat- 20 | Teen Ink

Letters From An Antiseptic Momrat- 20

May 15, 2016
By rando667799 SILVER, Houston, Texas
rando667799 SILVER, Houston, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No matter how tough the meat may be, it's going to be tender if you slice it thin enough. Guy Fieri

I saw a girl on the train today, fiddling with the bowling alley carpet upholstery in the exact same way I fidget with the leather on the dentist’s seat.

She looked static-y and tired, her entire face consumed by chunky black glasses and narrowed, cynical eyes.

Green eyes I think, lightly touched with black eyeliner

But her hair was what stood out to me the most, this thin waterfall of a ponytail roaring down her legs, complete with thick, middle parted bangs that swooped down like wings on either side of her glasses…

Her teeth were too horsey for any dentists approval, yet she was tall enough to not look like a horse

17 hands tall. 

The author's comments:

This poem is a part of a series of poems I've been writing on and off for about two years that revolves around the observations and feelings of a character I created (the "antiseptic momrat") that's an alternative version of myself. 

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