What Do You Mean | Teen Ink

What Do You Mean

May 13, 2016
By kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time I was a boyfriend,
A boyfriend that had a one less lonely girl,
That girl was my baby, she was my world
And I couldn’t wait to have children,
One time, she got annoyed and left me in the dumps,
I asked her “What do you mean” We are the best for each other,
She said she wasn’t All in it anymore, and that she was done
“You need to love yourself, before you can love me”
There will never something like us, but I just had to get used to it
Life is worth living, and I will be alright,
Onto the next day of life I went, all around the world
I met another girl,
Up on top of the world, is what I’ll show you, she said
I’ll bring you right here, and take you there, she told me 
But I just wasn’t catching feelings,
Don’t get me wrong, she was so down to earth
She just didn’t give me the company that I wanted.
I gave up for a while, on finding somebody to love.
I could not get the thought of you out of my head,
You had a purpose in my life, and after all of this time it had always been you,
But after a while, you finally realized the trust we used to have,
My runaway love finally came back to me,
And eventually my favorite girl was finally back.

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