Senioritis | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday, I wake up whether it’s late or on time, and I take myself to school,
Everyday, I remind myself, gotta get through the week… gotta get through the week,
Everyday, I tell myself, everyday I wake up, it’s a single day closer to graduation
Everyday, I make my way into the front of the building, reminding me that I’ll be out soon, so soon,
Everyday, when I walk into the building, I remind myself I’m almost done with high school,
Almost done for good
Everyday, motivates me to be here, to get my work done, to push me to do my best and be the best
Everyday, is closer to graduation day.

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