Tippy Toes | Teen Ink

Tippy Toes

May 26, 2016
By JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
JakCross SILVER, Cedar Hills, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is true and everything is permitted.

They say the devil lives in hell, but I say it lives in all of us. They say god lives in heaven but I say he lives in all of us. We choose how much we hold inside of us, some stake their soul to the black abyss of sweet suffering, and some raise their soul to the luxurious light. Some shoot down the middle, tip toeing a crossed the sharp slender paper like middle, easily able to fall in either side, or choosing which sea they submerge into. Of course that’s the beauty of having that black tar, and creamy milk oceans inside us all, we can pick and choose which one to swim, and stick to. Though sometimes when you slip in you can get out and sometimes you choose not to. Be careful where you tippy toe you might slip and stick to something you don’t want to melt into. Chose now while you’re still tippy toeing, before something choses for you.

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