The Past Can Never be hidden | Teen Ink

The Past Can Never be hidden

May 26, 2016
By Jdelinicolas SILVER, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
Jdelinicolas SILVER, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you see her face

she is an ordinary girl

She has that smile
     as beautiful as a flower

But when you look
deep inside
you can see
     the horrors
          the nightmares
               the tortures
that have been locked away

She appears so perfect
tries to hide the noises
in her head

“You’re a fake”
“You’re a loner”

When she goes home to
the memories of
the horrors
the nightmares
the tortures
and the sounds of the pots crashing down

                crackle . . .
She hides them all
but not too well

When you go deep inside
and look closer
     the cracks in her face are no longer
the scars of the past
     come out from the hiding
and her soul cries to be saved

She covers it with makeup
     but it can never be hidden

The past will always come back,
     it can never be concealed . . .

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